Sunday, June 25, 2006

my thoughts

at the end of this day
even as i was involved in my currently fav pasttime
watching anime...

i learnt alot about we as humans through it...
it may sound simple and obvious to you, but it aint so clear to me at times...

oh wait today weiwei,wee huat,alex and joseph got baptised!
Amen to that!

Ok den...
about what i realised
the facts 1st, is that people are made in the image of God right?
and the image of God in man is thought to be not in the physical form
but in the spirit...
that we are made to last eternally
and that we all have love for people or matter...

the problem lies then, in the things which people begin to love...
loving lifestyle, loving material things, loving excitement, loving people...
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with enjoying these things
but holding onto them so much so that their life revolves in pursuit
of these things...
i guess many a times we as humans search the wrong place for love
that the shadow of the darkness has shorted our sight on so much..
the truth becomes false and hidden...
reality becomes an uneasy place to reside in...
matrix, sub-realism,inside world, what even you wanna call it
all can be an escape for one to look away for the music...
which we eventually face...
even in man's inventions, in our writings.. well sometimes

how desperate we can become for even things not worth treasuring...
i guess the sentimentality of man can affect our judgement
on deciding which is right and which is wrong...
but hey... its not up to me to decide how people like you
or anyone else should lead their lives... God gave you and I a free will
to decide for ourselves what would be the kind of life we would be leading
ahead... which direction we go towards...

This is just my opinion... ...

you said...

radical conference rocked!
it was awesome surely, i really dint expect Youth Alive to be so good
i guess the anoiting was there and it made them shine for the LORD.

you know smt,
i feel like you're growing stranger and stranger,
despite all that...despite everything...
i know not the same person as before...
i know nolonger what roams free in your land...
i conceive beyond that which i believe...
if you do see this... we need to communicate...
coz my grip is losing becoz the winds are strong...

believeing in something inexplicable, inconceivable...

Monday, June 12, 2006

*blank* preaching to self

haha so empty the tag board...

ok back to the main...

even as i attended the cremation process of ruxiang,
a 15 year old girl, passed away on 9th June 2006, at approximately 7,30 in the morning..
a young lady who was always similing and looking out for others despite her condition..
truely an amazing feat... truely God's child at heart.
emotions and thoughts flooded my mind as i even as the service was going on...
i approached it with a heavy heart... she had indeed passed on to a better place,
a place where she would not experience pain nor suffering any longer...

when the time came for us to offer her a flower in due respect, my legs froze..
it felt as if huge boulders were tied to my feet...
the air around was so heavy,
the air of mourning and sadness, depression, upset...
it had filled the air so greatly that anyone in the room could have felt it...
it was painful to think about how she had left us despite me not being close to this sister.
but for better she had departed =)
* * *
i visited a few blogs and found some encouragements directed at me!
thkx ivy, and thkx gid!
i was shaken and reminded by these words from gideon's blog
"obediance is better than sacrifise"
a heartbeat like quake shook my mind.
i realised that i had focused so much on giving sacrifises to Him... and neglected the fundamental principle of follow Him... Obediance.

following him it in itself is a sacrifise
we no longer need to please him with mere offerings
but by obediance, we are choosing his ways over ours
that in itself is a tough choice in the face of even adversity!
would you choose obediance even in death? or selfishly keep your life?....
its more than just words... its a commitment....

do you remeber what you see in the mirror?...

Friday, June 09, 2006

and this is what i feel...

Hello my friend
We meet again
It's been a while
Where should we begin

Feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
A perfect love that you gave to me
Oh I remember

When you are with me
I'm free
I'm careless
I believe
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
My sacrifice

We've seen our share of ups and downs
Or, how quickly life can turn around
In an instant
It feels so good to reunite
Within your self
And within your mind
Let's find peace there

When you are with me
I'm free
I'm careless
I believe
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
My sacrifice

I just want to say hello
I just want to say hello

When you are with me
I'm free
I'm careless
I believe
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
My sacrifice

When you are with me
I'm free
I'm careless
I believe
Above all the others
We'll fly
This brings tears
To my eyes
My sacrifice

My sacrifice

I just want to say hello
I just want to say hello

My sacrifice.... maybe 6 feet aint so far down...

26While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body."

27Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. 28This is my blood of the[b] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins."
Matthew 26:26-28