Thursday, May 29, 2008


prolly the thing i need now to put this body down.

20 days outta work already,
15 more to physical confinement
feels like im locked out in a meta-physical kick for love
dang. hanging out with the sec school friends really blew me out.
feeling so dry again. just hope it blows over even thou its been so wet these days
unsung at kbox, feeling souled out at the pubbin. clubbin izzant much cooler.
soccer finals cant get me high.
izzit really dry without the martini's? or do they just make cough syrups out of it?
rats. dont even know what im blogging now.

but Norwegian Wood rocks, Hitchhikers in the galaxy can just go get lost.
Just so bored these days. Family guy aint the trouble. its something deeper inside.
guess there just worse problems out there
earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanoes
there's only more we can expect as our world crumbles on and on and on and on and on.
shot after shot, thought after thought;
the world keeps spinning around...

1 more day to graduation