Whereever you are
hey hey back already=d
was just reading the word and pondering upon my own life again
and also looking back at the past 3 mths
well it has been rocky and all... but hey i made it!
even in the dead of the night... my God still gives me new thoughts to think about...
well... i do sorta have another poem heh... again made up of randomness of thoughts flowing
which i happen to catch... might be HS directing as well hehe. whatever man.
along the days that passed,
days of yawning and boring.
Ever when i've been drawn,
drawn into those pages of "phanthomsy"
Unproductivity spilled over again
As time was wasted into the oblivion.
Within my harbour of memories and thoughts
Days where i felt so torn and ill,
Like jilted wounds that never healed.
But you came over from the other end
Never the same
Baked into my heart
Your fire, that licked my wounds over
Such that one would never conceived.
Holes that were once there,
Ever renewed, forever redeemed.
Who shall see beyond mortal flesh,
Like a radiologist examining our within.
Seeing what most don't
Affirming those who are unsure.
Your sacrificial love that carved out my very being
Amazing grace that drew me to you.
I just hope that our big LITTLE sister will find out God's plans for her life and that she'd live according to His will and not her own.
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